Call a courier in Almaty , please use one of following phone numbers:
Phone: ☎ +7 (727) 2379123 ☎ +7 (727) 2379124 ☎ +7 (727) 2379125
Mobile:  +7 (776) 2379123
Send a message
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, Mametova st., 67-b, office 1, 050004 
Delivery in the city of Almaty and inside the regional centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Mode "Standard". Delivery of the shipment takes place within 1 business day following the day of its receipt from the Sender.
- The mode "Express - URGENT". Delivery of the shipment is made on the day of receipt of the shipment from the Sender.
- Mode "Delivery in due time". Delivery of the shipment is made depending on the day and time of delivery declared by the Sender or the Recipient.
- Mode "Delivery personally in hands". The delivery of the shipment is made by the ViExpress couriers to the representative of the Legal entity or natural person, declared by the Sender, upon the fact of presenting the document proving the identity of the recipient.
- The mode "Address delivery". The shipment is delivered in accordance with the shipping addresses stated by the Sender and within 1 to 4 working days, depending on the number of consignments accepted for delivery. As a result of delivery, the Sender is provided with a report with copies of the Registers / invoices with the signature of the recipient.
- The mode "Addressless delivery". Deliveries are delivered to legal entities by preliminary selection of companies by the Sender, or by the declared areas or BC of the city. To individuals of multi-storey houses and private sector.
- Mode "Delivery to remote settlements". Deliveries are dispatched by ViExpress couriers to remote locations. Delivery of such items is possible in the "Standard" and "Express - URGENT" modes, depending on the remoteness and time of the application. The "Express-URGENT" mode for delivery to remote settlements should be coordinated with the employee of ViExpress.
- Delivery of reporting to Departments, Offices and other public services.
- Forwarding of the item in the case when the Recipient is absent from the original Sender's data.
Delivery to the cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- Mode "Express". For the delivery of items in the Express mode, the following modes of the modes "Personal delivery", "Delivered in due time", "Forwarding within the city", "Forwarding to another city", "Delivery to remote settlements" can be added in addition.
- Mode "Urgent". Delivery of the shipment is made as soon as possible in accordance with the current timetable of boards and the mode of operation of ground services.
- Mode "Economy". This service will allow the Sender to deliver a package of documents weighing up to 0.300 kg to the regional centers at a reduced rate with a delivery period of 3 to 6 working days.
- Delivery of goods to the regional centers of the RK by land transport will allow the Sender to minimize the delivery costs with the condition of observing the guaranteed delivery terms from ViExpress.
Delivery to the cities of EurAsEC countries and International shipments:
- Currently, ViExpress is a reliable partner for companies that have made their choice in favor of reliable services for the delivery of correspondence and cargo to the cities of Russia, the near and far abroad. When forming by the Sender of the goods, in this direction of delivery, it is necessary to familiarize with the list of items prohibited for transportation and the rules for applying the value of the volumetric weight.
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