Call a courier in Almaty , please use one of following phone numbers:
Phone: ☎ +7 (727) 2379123 ☎ +7 (727) 2379124 ☎ +7 (727) 2379125
Mobile:  +7 (776) 2379123
Send a message
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, Mametova st., 67-b, office 1, 050004 
The extensive network of our representative offices in 20 regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan allows us to provide delivery of shipments promptly and qualitatively, to control the passage of cargo at all stages, to significantly shorten terms, to choose reliable, repeatedly checked delivery routes to all settlements of our country.
Tariffs for delivery in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
All prices are for reference only!
Contact our manager to get more accurate information.