Call a courier in Almaty , please use one of following phone numbers:
Phone: ☎ +7 (727) 2379123 ☎ +7 (727) 2379124 ☎ +7 (727) 2379125
Mobile:  +7 (776) 2379123
Send a message
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, Mametova st., 67-b, office 1, 050004 
Our services are accompanied by an additional service:
- Free call of the courier and departure of the courier for receiving the items at a convenient time for the Sender.
- Ability to work in the Personal Area of the ViExpress software.
- Tracking of items on the site.
- Personal ViExpress Manager.
- Insurance of items. This service ViExpress is introduced to provide additional guarantees for the security of shipments. Sender, when using this service, it is important to observe the condition: The declared value of the shipment should not exceed its actual value.
- Packaging, sorting and marking of items.
- Provision of packaging material ViExpress (envelope courier cardboard, plastic, HAWB). Providing additional external packaging (external packing bag, cardboard boxes, air bubble film) and other material ensuring the safety of the shipment.
- Storing of the items until they receive additional instructions for their further processing. Storage up to 5 working days - free of charge.
- Receipt and delivery of items at non-working hours, holidays and weekends in consultation with the Sender and the Recipient.
- Customs clearance and consulting.
- Choice of the form of payment and the type of payment (Recipient / Sender) for the services rendered in consultation with the ViExpress employee.
- Preliminary call of consignees of consignments.
- Provision of Notices on the delivery of items (Letter of notification / a copy of the delivery note, certified by the seal of ViExpress / Notice to e-mail).
- Processing applications for receiving items in another city, country.