Call a courier in Almaty , please use one of following phone numbers:
Phone: ☎ +7 (727) 2379123 ☎ +7 (727) 2379124 ☎ +7 (727) 2379125
Mobile:  +7 (776) 2379123
Send a message
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty, Mametova st., 67-b, office 1, 050004 
The notions of "mail" and "courier" have always been associated with letters and parcels, with the smell of melted wax and the weighty packets of newspapers in a bag of postmen who bypass the sites entrusted to them. But, the modern postal industry accumulates much more directions and activities than sending mail and sending telegraphic items, delivery of periodicals.
ViExpress is a Kazakhstan company that delivers correspondence and cargoes by any means of transport, in any direction and strict accordance with the delivery terms stated by the Sender.
For the company there are no insurmountable difficulties, inaccessible settlements and unsolvable tasks. Constant work is carried out to optimize the procedure for receiving and delivering items, universal and individual routes are developed, tariffs favorable for the client are calculated, and the qualification of employees is increased.
We strive to ensure the service provided by ViExpress is accessible, convenient and profitable for each client.
You appreciate the reliability and accuracy of delivery, confidentiality and guarantees, are accustomed to a high level of service - trust your shipments to us.